Saturday, September 16, 2023

Centurion FFC I/O Control


The next part of the FFC CPU we will look at is the I/O control. As shown in my last post there are two sets of 4 bits that are used to select input and output devices. The selectors can be seen in the schematic below. The one of the left control reads and the on on the right controls writes. 

On the read side both enable inputs are tied to ground so the outputs are always enabled, meaning that one of the read outputs is always enabled, but S13 and S14 are not connected to anything so these can be used if no read operation is needed in a microcode instruction. The signals connected to the read outputs are as follows:

These are used to select various registers in the drive control hardware. These are used to read status and data from the drive.

0 = ReadFS1
1 = ReadFS3
2 = ReadFS2
3 = ReadFSDR1
4 = ReadFSDR2
6 = ReadFSDR3

This input reads the DMA status

11 = ReadStatus

These are used to access the internal RAM on the board. To read the RAM the address you want to reads needs to first be put in the memory index register then the ReadRAM input can be used to read the data. ReadIndexL and ReadIndexH can be used to read back the contents of the index register. 

8 = ReadIndexL
12 = ReadIndexH
9 = ReadRAM

This inputs reads the System Register which is used by the FFC to communicate with the rest of the system.

10 = ReadSysReg

Finally this input reads from the Constant ROM. Unlike a normal CPU, the FFC's CPU cannot included data as part of an opcode so this is used to provide constant data to the CPU.

15 = ReadConst

On the write selector the enables are connected to MCClock and MasterReset. MCClock is the master clock so it probably needed for the proper timing of the writes. MasterReset is probably used to prevent spurious writes when the board is starting up. The signals connected to the write outputs are as follows:

This set of signals control writes to drive control registers. 

0 = LoadDCR1
1 = LoadDCR2
2 = LoadSSBCL
3 = LoadFSDR1
4 = LoadFSDR23
5 = WriteFloppySync
6 = LoadSSBCH
7 = LoadTSM

This one loads the DMA control register

12 = LoadCtrlReg

These signals control access to the internal RAM. Just like for read, the address to write two must first be written to the Index registers and then the RAM can be written to using WriteRAM.

8 = LoadIndexL
11 = LoadIndexH
9 = WriteRAM

I believe this output is used to trigger interrupts to the main processor in the system.

13 = LoadIPL

This output writes to the System Register which is used by the FFC to communicate with the rest of the system.


These two outputs are unconnected so can be used for instructions where not output is needed.

14=No connection
15=No connection