Saturday, April 22, 2023

Centurion FFC Overview

In my last two posts I took a look at the two key components that form the heart of the Centurion FFC board's custom CPU. Now let's take a step back and take a look at an overview of the board. The FFC is actually composed of two boards, one is primarily for the CPU and the other for the drive control, but there is some overlap. 

This is the board with the drive control electronics.

This is the board that contains the drive control CPU which is the one I am going to focus on in these posts. 

Here is a block diagram I created of the CPU section. Each thick colored line is a different bus in the circuit. This may look complicated by we can look at it piece by piece to more easily understand it. 

As discussed in my last post, the 8x02 Control Sequencer provides the program counter for the microcode program and also controls the jumps and branches within the code. It outputs the MP.Ax bus which is used to address the Microcode ROM which controls the functions of the CPU, the Constant ROM which provides a single data byte for each microcode instruction and the Sequence Control ROM which controls how the sequencer determines what the next instruction should be. 

Coming out of the Microcode ROMs is the MP.Hxx bus which has the control signals that control the rest of the CPU. We will go into more details on these in later posts. 

There are two data buses in the processor, one that goes into the 2901 ALU and another that comes out of it. The one going into the ALU is shown in red and is called Data.INx. The data on this bus can come from RAM, the Constant ROM, the System Data Register, or input devices. The one going out of the ALU is in orange and called Data.Fx. The data on this bus can go to the RAM, to output devices, System Data Register, or to the Control Sequencer to allow for jumps or branches to a specific address in the microcode. 

The two buses can also be linked together through the Data Bridge. When the bridge is enabled, the output of the 2901 is disabled. This allows, for example, the constant ROM to be fed directly to the Sequence Controller to provide branch addresses. 
In my next post we will look at the what each bit of the microcode does. 

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